Similar words: awaiting, waiting room, glistening, English, glisten, english civil war, bungling, dangling. Meaning: n. a roster of those waiting to obtain something.
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1. There is still a three-month waiting list for the cars.
2. The hospital has a 2-year waiting list for minor operations.
3. There were 20,000 people on the waiting list for a home.
4. She is on the waiting list for medical treatment.
5. There's a waiting list to join the golf club.
6. I was then put on a waiting list to see a specialist at the local hospital.
7. Mr Jones has been on the waiting list for an operation for 6 months.
8. We're on the waiting list for membership of the golf club.
9. Some new clients face a three-month waiting list.
10. To be added to the waiting list,[] call 1-800-543-1776.
11. I hope that the waiting list for cardiac surgery will reduce greatly over the next year.
12. Those admitted from the waiting list will usually be quite fit but patients who are admitted as emergencies may be severely ill.
13. I was only on the waiting list anyway and it wasn't very likely that four people would drop out.
14. Nearly 300 people are on a waiting list already, Hager said.
15. There is usually a waiting list, so places should be booked as early as possible.
16. The national waiting list for kidneys alone is 37, 468 people-or a queue about three years long.
17. His parents were on the waiting list to get in.
18. The waiting list system for council housing also inhibits council tenants' mobility.
19. They refused to comment on the existence or non-existence of a waiting list.
20. There are no places available right now but I'll put you on a waiting list .
21. I'm afraid the course is full, but I can put you on the waiting list,(Sentencedict) in case someone else cancels.
22. She was assessed in the normal way , and placed on the waiting list.
23. The nursery has 30 babies on the books and 13 on the waiting list.
24. Transplants did not improve the survival chances of patients at low and medium risk of dying on the waiting list.
25. Only 25 of them managed to qualify for the waiting list.
26. Blyth interviewed all the likely applicants and selected the 120 crew, placing 172 people on the waiting list.
27. The hospitals agreed to re-evaluate her, and Stanford put her on its waiting list last Thursday.
28. The town has a growing problem of homeless families with more than 100 on the waiting list.
29. Moreover, as I explained to you, I have a waiting list of really deserving cases.
30. But the land is zoned for housing and Southwark has a long waiting list.
More similar words: awaiting, waiting room, glistening, English, glisten, english civil war, bungling, dangling, something like, driving licence, glinting, philistine, wittingly, unwittingly, writing, unrelentingly, vomiting, exciting, limiting, writings, blistering, existing, wait, distinguish, distinguished, await, wait for, wait on, waiter, undistinguished.